Abnaa Al Andalus Private Schools

Arabic - Languages

Improving education quality

Abnaa Al-Andalus Schools seeks to improve the quality of education standards in line with Egypt's 2030 strategy.

Develop learning skills

Abnaa Al-Andalus Schools works to improve the quality of education by adding technology as a basic educational element and providing quality education for all without discrimination.

Promoting entrepreneurship

We create in your child a spirit of initiative and perseverance and help him to be creative and innovative.

Abnaa Al-Andalus Schools build generations

The foundation stone ofAbnaa Al-Andalus Schools was laid in 1988 by its owner, Dr. Muhammad Saloma, and the school was opened on the first of September 1990.

Abnaa Al-Andalus Schools build generations

The foundation stone ofAbnaa Al-Andalus Schools was laid in 1988 by its owner, Dr. Muhammad Saloma, and the school was opened on the first of September 1990.

Our Message

د محمد سلومة - مؤسس مدارس ابناء الاندلس الخاصة
Dr/ Mohamed Saloma - Founder

The school provides a high-quality learning environment that fosters an educational and social climate, making students feel at home in their second home.

We make them think scientifically and possess different values and skills.

Above all, we aim to instill faith in God, a commitment to ethical values, and a drive for excellence in our students.

We offer a distinguished and unique educational environment that blends traditional values with modern educational approaches.

Encourage students to innovate, create, and continuously improve

 Activating community participation through the Board of Trustees.

Providing programs to support talented students and using modern technology methods for learning.

Preparing generations capable of innovation and having the ability to learn according to the new vision of Egypt 2030.

اوائل الجيزة - طلاب مدارس اولاد الاندلس الخاصة - اوائل الاعدادية

Honor Board

الأنشطة الرياضية بالمدرسة

تهتم مدارس أبناء الأندلس الخاصة بالأنشطة الرياضية بجانب العملية التعليمية ، وذلك لإيماننا بأن العقل السليم بالجسم السليم ، لذلك نسعى جاهدين لتشجيع الطلبة الموهوبين و توفير إحتياجاتهم . 

تهنئة قلبية

تهنئة من القلب من السيد الدكتور / محمد سلومة صاحب مدارس أبناء الأندلس الخاصة لابنه الطالب / احمد محمود محمد ، لفوزه بالميدالية البرونزية في بطولة الجمهورية للمدارس ، داعين له الله بالتوفيق دائما و في انتظار الذهبية البطولة القادمة من ولدنا الغالي احمد باذن الله .